Frequently Asked Questions

No, we no longer leave a delivery ticket. You will receive an e-mail when the delivery has been made and on the next business day you will receive an invoice via email.
Yes, on the next business day you will receive an invoice via email. You have 15 days to pay for your deliveries; it is after 30 days that finance charges start to accrue. Please be sure we have your correct email address on file.
We will mail a paper copy to the billing address on file.
Yes, you can securely pay your invoice at myfuelaccount.com/proulxoilandpropane using a credit card.
Yes, our mobile app can be downloaded on the Apple and Google Play stores under a search for “Proulx”. The app is connected to the Proulx customer database and login is the same as the existing customer portal login info. For more information contact customer service at csr@proulxoilandpropane.com
Unlike oil, propane prices are based on the number of gallons you use per year. Because the uses of propane vary significantly the consumption can range from 25 to well over 1000 gallons per year. Those that use more propane pay less accordingly.
By nature, propane is clear and contains no scent at all. For safety purposes propane companies add a substance known as ethyl-mercaptan to the propane fuel. Ethyl-mercaptan has a strong rotten egg, or skunk-like scent, which allows the consumer to smell it in the case of a leak. If you smell something similar near your appliances and your tank it is possible that you are low in fuel. Ethyl-mercaptan is heavier than propane and sinks to the bottom of the tank so when the tank is low on fuel the ethyl-mercaptan smell will become more noticeable. Watch a safety video about propane here.
We deliver based on two factors: the current outside temperature and your usual usage. Our computer system calculates the amount of gallons each customer uses between deliveries and can therefore determine a general delivery schedule after 2 or 3 deliveries have been made. If there is going to be a drastic change in your usage such as: you are temporarily out of town (1month or more), more people have moved in to your residence, you are using more heat due to construction at the home, you add a new appliance or a new heating system, you should contact our company to let us know so we can ensure that you do not run out of fuel.

The greatest advantage to pre-buying or locking in your fuel price for the heating season is that you are protected in the event of an increase in fuel prices. Typically oil and propane prices tend to rise when the demand is the highest, which in our case is in the winter months. For this purpose, pre-buying your fuel in the summer or fall for the winter months can save our customers hundreds of dollars. We offer Fuel Supply Agreements which enables our customers to choose 1 of 3 money saving options.

Proulx offers Fuel Supply Agreements that lock your fuel rate for all DIFFERENT kinds of terms and programs. These plans are available for Oil and Propane. Customers who participate go on automatic delivery, so NO WORRY again about running out of fuel by mistake! Pricing subject to daily changes. Please call the office for current pricing and plan enrollment!

  • Option 1: Capped Price PLUS Downside Protection with EZ Pay Plan
    The price of your selected fuel would be at a capped rate for 12 months. If the daily rate drops below your capped rate then you would be billed the lower rate. The downside protection premium is built into your EZ Pay Plan. Please contact the office for the downside protection rate. This option offers the convenience of 12 EZ payments
  • Option 2: Capped Price PLUS Downside Protection
    The price of your selected fuel would be at a capped rate for 12 months. If the daily rate drops below your capped rate then you would be billed the lower rate. Please contact the office for the downside protection rate. This option does require one payment in full.
  • Option 3: Fixed Price Only
    The price of your selected fuel would be at a fixed rate for 12 months, no matter how the daily rate fluctuates. This option does require one payme
If you can make a reasonable payment arrangement for your balance, payment arrangements will be accepted. Future deliveries will not be released until pass due balances are paid. You should contact the office if you are interested in making payment arrangements.
Yes, we have Service plans for Oil, Propane and Air Conditioning. Our Service Plan coverage protects our customers against unexpected costs throughout the year. For a small increase in price, we can provide cost savings and peace of mind for you and your family.
If you have 240 gallons or above for propane storage at your home you may receive a partial fill, a minimum delivery is half your tank size. If you receive a partial fill you will be subject to additional charge of $0.25 per gallon.
In most cases we are able to get you a delivery within 5 business days after you get an account setup. It may vary on what product you are looking for, but call the office to get more information based on the product you are looking to be delivered.
Yes, we have certified oil technicians who are available 24/7/365 days a year. If you need your furnace or boiler cleaned or serviced, call our office to schedule an appointment. Ask about enrolling in our Premium Oil Heat Service plan which includes a yearly cleaning.
Our Newmarket office hours are 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday, and Saturday 8:00am-12:00pm, November through March.
If you run out of fuel we are able to get you out a delivery that day. We have emergency service for those times that you run out outside of normal business hours. Additional charges may apply to those who are not on a regular delivery schedule with us.
